Dash.js source code reading: ABR triggering logic
My notes while working with Dash.js
Last updated on
For each ABR rule in Dash.js,
the function getMaxIndex()
is the entry point, which is called when ever
the program needs to decide the bit rate of next chunk to fetch.
Such as:
function getMaxIndex(rulesContext) {
const switchRequest = SwitchRequest(context).create();
if (
!rulesContext ||
!rulesContext.hasOwnProperty("getMediaInfo") ||
!rulesContext.hasOwnProperty("getMediaType") ||
!rulesContext.hasOwnProperty("getScheduleController") ||
!rulesContext.hasOwnProperty("getStreamInfo") ||
!rulesContext.hasOwnProperty("getAbrController") ||
) {
return switchRequest;
const mediaInfo = rulesContext.getMediaInfo();
const mediaType = rulesContext.getMediaType();
const abrController = rulesContext.getAbrController();
const throughputHistory = abrController.getThroughputHistory();
const traceHistory = throughputHistory.getTraceHistory();
const bufferLevel = dashMetrics.getCurrentBufferLevel(mediaType);
const ladders = abrController.getBitrateList(mediaInfo);
let choose_quality = -1;
let estimate_throughput = -1;
// some ABR algorithm logic
switchRequest.quality = choose_quality;
switchRequest.reason = {};
switchRequest.reason.throughput = estimate_throughput;
return switchRequest;
The call stack is as following:
- MediaPlayer
- StreamController
- Stream
- StreamProcessor
- scheduleController.startScheduleTimer()
- ScheduleController.schedule()
- abrController.checkPlaybackQuality()
- abrRulesCollection.getMaxQuality()
- *rule.getMaxIndex()
- abrRulesCollection.getMaxQuality()
- abrController.checkPlaybackQuality()
- ScheduleController.schedule()
- scheduleController.startScheduleTimer()
- StreamProcessor
- Stream
- StreamController
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